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Project Management PDUs and Open Enrollment

All Project Management PDUs and Open Enrollment Courses

Two students in a classroom

Take a project management course with Montgomery College! We offer a variety of topics to help:

  • You continue your education.
  • Certified professionals earn Profession Development Units (PDUs) towards PMP® or CAPM® recertification.
  • Montgomery College Project Management Certificate seekers meet elective requirements.

All PMI certification holders must earn PDUs to maintain their certification(s). PDUs are earned through professional development activities and there are different Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) for each certification type. Find specifics on all certification types by viewing the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements (CRR) Handbook (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) .

Project Management Courses

  • Not all courses are offered every term. 
  • Courses that are eligible as an Elective for the Project Management Certificate Program will be noted in the pop outs below as: Certificate Program Eligible Elective.
  • Students looking to earn PDUs must attend 100% of the course hours to receive credit towards PDUs. PDU hours will be noted for each approved course in the following format to include the total hours and talent triangle breakdown:
    • Total (Technical, Leadership, Strategic)

Mind mapping is an effective project management tool to save time and improve communication with the team and other stakeholders in an effective and creative way. A mind map is a graphical diagram consisting of nodes, branches, colors, and icons used to convey ideas efficiently. They are simple to create and understand, and are often used to focus brainstorming sessions and work breakdown structure creation. Learn how to create and apply mind maps in project management and get links to a variety of free templates that you can use immediately to get started with mind maps. This powerful project management technique can be used for strategic planning, requirements, work breakdown structure, risk identification, accelerated learning, and project planning. If you are interested in using mind mapping as an alternative to (or enhancement of) project management software, this course is a good place to start.

Do you want to develop your team leadership skills and unleash the talent of your team members? This class will focus on how to identify your strengths, interests, and needs through self-assessments and how to use this knowledge to build better teams. We will discuss your results and actions needed to connect better with others to build strong and effective teams. This 15-hour class is highly interactive and will involve the introduction of actionable steps to continue the process after the class is over. Teams are an important building block of successful organizations. With teams at the core of corporate strategy, an organization's success can depend on how the team members operate together.

Influence is the ability to have an effect on someone or something. Influence is used by project leaders throughout all phases of a project. Individuals can actively strengthen their influence to be more successful in the work environment- whether at the leadership level or not. This course will define influence, review how influence can be used on projects, discuss sources of influence, and provide practical tips on how to strengthen your own influence within the project environment.

Project Management practitioners are increasingly embracing agile as a technique for managing successful projects. It is a topic of growing importance in project management. Whether you are a PMP® credential holder or an individual working on agile project team, this course will provide you with a comprehensive review of the agile approach. Understand the values and principles of agile and identify methodologies of agile project management with a focus on the scrum method.

Learn More about the Montgomery College Project Management Certificate Program. Course is scheduled every term.

As a project management practitioner, your success and effectiveness are determined by the quality of your professional relationships. In this course you will learn and practice the skills necessary to build and maintain positive relationships with your team members, stakeholders, and customers. Topics include interpersonal communications, active listening, conflict management, influencing, trust building, decision-making, and constructive feedback.

Learn More about the Montgomery College Project Management Certificate Program. Course is scheduled every term.

This course provides a basic understanding of the fundamentals of effective communication and reviews how communication can help lead to project success. Everyone involved in projects can benefit from strengthening their ability to effectively communicate. Topics covered include active listening, audience identification, purpose definition, and effective delivery. Through instruction, hands on exercises, and class discussions, these skills will be strengthened for the project environment.

This course provides insight into what makes people resilient. The inherent risk of project environments requires resiliency. Insight and practical application opportunities will be provided to help participants strengthen their resilience and ensure they can sustain it over a long period. Lessons learned from the pandemic will also be considered.

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The PMI Approved Training Partner Seal (PMI ATP Seal) is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Montgomery College has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI). PMP, CAPM, PMBOK, and The PMI Talent Triangle are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.