Montgomery College Educators Rising (MCER)

What Education Means To Me
Education, to me, is student learning through discourse and activity. Educators are there to guide students, as opposed to managing them, and educators who can do that effectively raise not only the most successful students but, also, the most successful people.
My name is Noah Agboyibor, and I am a freshman at Montgomery College. I am majoring in Secondary Education English, and I hope to join MC's soccer team next fall. I am very lucky to be a part of Educators Rising, and, with their help, I hope to become an educator myself someday.
What Education Means To Me
In a world that is increasingly interdependent, I believe education is a resource for connection. Education expands our minds with the necessary knowledge and skills to not only be able to place ourselves in a changing world but to better understand each other. A lack of education breeds ignorance and division, while education provides a space for understanding, connection, and community.Biography
Hello! My name is Daniel Bradford and I am a Sophomore at Montgomery College where I am studying Communication Studies. Outside of school, I work at an elementary in before/aftercare and with my church’s youth ministry. I aim to transfer to a four-year to obtain my bachelor’s degree in communication studies and public relations.
Why Education Matters to Me
Education is super important to me because not only does it provide stability it also provides financial security. Being educated provides me with a level of confidence with holding conversations in any setting. Having an education opens many doors and opportunities that wouldn’t normally be there. I have learned how to set personal and professional goals through education. The most important thing in my opinion, education builds character.Biography
Tavon "Taye" Chase is a director of a before and after care program. Taye also teaches dance and coaches an all-star competitive cheer team. Taye is a native Washingtonian, but currently resides in Montgomery county, Maryland. Taye has always said that, he wants to be the role model he wishes he had while growing up.Why Education Matters to Me
I was diagnosed with profound hearing loss when I was only 6 months old. In kindergarten, I was moved to the mainstream class because my kindergarten teacher believed in me. She encouraged me to work hard and to not focus on my disability. She inspired me to want to become a teacher so I can be the voice for deaf children and to inspire children to work hard and believe in themselves regardless of their differences.Biography
My name is Kharengton Coleman. I was born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland. I am currently in my 2nd year at Montgomery College. I enjoy trying new foods and travelling. I love working with children and aspire to follow in my father’s footsteps and become an Elementary Education teacher.What Education Means To Me
To me, education is one of the many building blocks to expand and explore academic knowledge, to ignite the creative and imaginative parts of the brain, and to give a learner the capability and tools to be anything they dream of becoming. Without education, dreams would never be accomplished.
My name is Anne Denzel, I am a wife and mother of two. I am currently a paraeducator for Montgomery County Public Schools. I started as a bus driver for children with special needs for MCPS. After working with these students for a few years, I knew I wanted to make a difference in the classroom; at that time, I had absolutely no college experience. I took my Para Pro exam and was able to become a paraeducator. I worked with a specific program called Extensions for 9 years. With the support of my supervisors and principals, I was encouraged to go to school to become a Special Education Teacher. This decision was one that felt like, for the first time in my life, I was in a place that was meant to be. I am so grateful for all the people who had the confidence to encourage me to go after something that will allow me to inspire and make a difference in others’ lives.
What Education Means To Me
Education is the foundation of our future. It is through education that we learn how to understand history, connect to the present, and design the future through multiple avenues of study.
My name is Shannon Dunne; I graduated from Mount St. Mary's University with a double major in English and history and a minor in education in 2019. I have worked as a community educator for a non-profit, and I am currently a middle school English teacher at St. Jane de Chantal School in Bethesda, MD. Apart from my teaching job, I am also an avid dancer. I have danced since I was three years old and am currently running a dance program at my school, creating the choreography for our school musical. I am a lover of learning and can always be found with a new book in hand.
Why Education Matters to Me
Education matters because it opens doors of unimaginable opportunities and changes the trajectory of our lives. My paternal grandparents didn’t finish elementary school and later became sharecroppers in rural Puerto Rico before migrating to New York City during Operation Bootstrap. When I was growing up, my father used to say: “Every generation should do better than the last.” Now that I’m an adult and mother of two, I get it. For these reasons, I constantly seek ways to grow and learn to honor my ancestors’ sacrifices and pave a smoother path for my descendants.Biography
Yesenia Flores Díaz is a second career educator excited to teach Grade 7 Advanced English at a Title I middle school in Silver Spring this fall because representation matters in the classroom. She’s an award-winning writer who strives to inspire learning for all students. In June 2021, she was recognized with a generous scholarship by the Montgomery County Public Schools Retirees Association. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from CUNY Lehman College, a master’s in Organizational Counseling from the Johns Hopkins University, and is near completion of professional education coursework at Montgomery College. Yesenia is proud of her Puerto Rican heritage, grateful for a New York City public school education that changed her life trajectory, and credits her parents and elementary school librarian for cultivating a love for reading.Why Education Matters to Me
I grew my love for education because it was my outlet when there were family issues. School for me became a place where I could truly express who I was, my likes, and my interests. Having supportive teachers and classmates by my side encouraging me to try even when it gets tough, to be kind to one another, and to be who I was with no shame in it. That feeling of knowing I always had someone in my corner to make me feel seen, is something I hope I can do for another child who needs a break from whatever that may be, to truly be themselves. Education was my outlet and it could be someone else.Biography
Yokayra Gutierrez is an upcoming freshman at Montgomery College, majoring in Elementary Education. She volunteered over 500 student service learning hours tutoring elementary school students and as a camp counselor during the summer, achieving the Certificate of Meritorious Service. She also achieved her 90 + 9 Clock Hours Certification for learning new skills and techniques in a classroom setting, which led her to a Teachers Aide position allowing her everyday classroom experience. A strong believer in challenging herself and her students to think outside the box to develop their creativity and imagination. She has personally found great benefits in implementing out-of-the-box thinking in her life, including art projects and real-life issues.Biography
My name is Karen Guzman and I am a new student at Montgomery College. I graduated from Northwood high school this year. During my high school years, I was in child development program for three years. In the program I would teach preschool students' math, reading and science. It was a fun experience for me to teach preschoolers. I really enjoyed this program because I learned new things such as the stages of a child development. At Montgomery College I plan to study elementary school education and earn my associates degree. After I plan to transfer to another college or university to earn my bachelor's degree. I am excited to start college in the fall of 2021.Why Education Matters to Me
Education to me isn’t just a right, education is a need that humans must have in order to survive the world. To understand the basic fundamentals of life humans must learn, in order to know what is right and wrong in a sense humans must learn, in order to correct the mistakes we make humans must learn, and we as humans have found a way to give everyone that chance and that is with education. I don’t think people understand just how important education is for our everyday lives- we use the knowledge from the education given to us almost every second we are awake from driving, talking, eating, etc we are always using what we’ve learned.Biography
My name is Erik Hernandez, at the time of writing this I am 19 years of age living in Wheaton Maryland working at my family restaurant. My life is filled with wonder. I often find myself finding new hobbies and dropping them around a few months later but one thing I've been certain of is my love for teaching. I had always enjoyed the thought of teaching but I never really explored it until my 12th grade of high school when I became a platoon commander for NJROTC and a student aid, I enjoyed the role of helping students and being in charge of a class. After that I was set for my role to become a teacher over the summer, I took a job as classroom monitor for both Flora Singer Elementary and Rosemary Hills Elementary School and I was able to pursue my love for teaching even more there.Why Education Matters to Me
The word “education” means a lot to me. When I first hear the word education I think of “learning", learning is the process of acquiring new understanding and knowledge. Also, when hear education I think of it as a very useful tool in life that can help your overall health and wellbeing
My name is Jordan Jefferson. I am a sixteen-year-old African American girl from Silver Spring Maryland. I am currently in my first year out of my two-year dual enrollment program at Montgomery College.Why Education Matters to Me
Education has helped shape my understanding of the past and present world. It’s taught me common knowledge I can use in everyday life and to be a good citizen. Education is like stepping stones that lead to being successful in the future. I believe that every child in the U.S. should have an equal opportunity to get a good education and therefore an opportunity to have a successful job as an adult. I want to contribute to giving every child the opportunity for a good education.Biography
My name is Connie Kramer and I’m a freshman at Montgomery College. I graduated from Winston Churchill High School and plan on studying Elementary Education. While I was at Churchill, I volunteered in a classroom for autistic kids. I love listening to music, organizing, and writing creative stories.What Education Means To Me
Education is the opportunity to reach one's full potential. In the United States, it is also a system that serves many but, also, has many flaws.
Elena Lostoski is a 4th Grade Homeroom teacher at Norwood School in Bethesda. She earned her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Elon University and is now taking classes at MC to work towards her teaching licensure. In addition to teaching, Elena is passionate about education research and policy, particularly topics including teacher pay, behaviorism, disciplinary practices, culturally responsive teaching practices, and gamification of learning.Why Education Matters to Me
I can think of several different reasons why education matters to me; however, I will just name the biggest one. The reason why education matters to me is because the world matters to me. I believe that the only way our world can become a better place is if the people living in it are educated. There are endless things to learn about in this world and becoming someone who helps others learn more means the world to me.Biography
My name is Jalen! I’m currently living in Germantown, MD and seeking an AAT in Elementary Education/Special Education at Montgomery College Germantown Campus. When I’m not at school I’m working as an assistant teacher at a childcare center, spending time with family and friends, and playing lots of Sims!What Education Means To Me
People do not have control over the circumstances into that of which they are born. Education is powerful because it gives people the opportunity to rise above where they are in life, regardless of their past.
My name is Antony Padilla. I am an Army Veteran interested in becoming an Early Childhood Educator. I saw the impact that my mother had on her students as an ESOL teacher, and I would like to have a similarly positive and lasting impact on the lives of any students I teach in the future.
Why Education Matters to Me
I am committed to becoming an elementary school teacher who will advocate for equality in the classroom and inspire and support my students to embrace their educational journey. With diverse learning styles, I will create an environment of inclusion for ALL my students, celebrate their abilities and challenges to ensure their future. Together, we will work together to reach their dreams!Biography
My name is Tatiana Quintanilla. I am currently a Junior enrolled at Towson university. I am majoring in elementary education with special education. I have worked alongside my community to bring awareness to the socio-economic barriers my community faces. I plan to educate others in ways to help their own communities.Why Education Matters to Me
Education is important to me because it is the stepping stones to success. The more you know, the better you are prepared for life, and all the adversity it may bring. Everyday is a beautiful day to learn no matter what age. I personally challenge myself everyday to learn AT LEAST one new thing in order to keep my mind curious and ready for more knowledge.“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela.
Hello! I am a 20 year old student, who studies Physical Education at Montgomery College. I am originally from Clarksville, Maryland. I have a true passion for sports, and working with youth in order for them to become the best student-athlete they can become. I am on a journey to become the best educator possible, and mastering the field of education is definitely a step in that direction. I am truly blessed to be apart of the Educators Rising and look forward to working with everyone!Biography
Emily Romero graduated from Richard Montgomery High School in June 2021. She received a State of Maryland Biliteracy Certificate, which recognizes the strength of cross-cultural communication, affirms the value of diversity, and honors multiple languages in our communities. It also demonstrates a student's high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English in one or more languages. She was also awarded a Bilingual and International Studies Certificate, which was from engaging in a variety of AP and IB courses that expanded her knowledge and understanding of literature, culture, and global politics throughout her years in high school. She will be majoring in Elementary Education throughout the two years she will attend Montgomery College and the four years once she transfers.Why Education Matters to Me
Education matters to me because I was the first of my family to have graduate college and even receive my master's degree in Education. My parents always told me the importance of education and doing the best I could in school. I want to be able to pass on the importance of education to my future children and my students so they can be the best version of themselves. I hope to inspire my students to become educators like myself.
I am currently in my seventh year of teaching, working at Wheaton High School where I teach mathematics and coach the boys basketball team. I received my bachelor’s degree in mathematics at Elizabethtown College and my master’s degree in Education at Wilmington University. I spent my first five years of teaching at a private high school in Delaware and another year at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in D.C.What Education Means To Me
Education is my passion. I want to teach and learn from my students.
I am a Peruvian-American special education teacher. I have been in this country for 18 years; my passion is to professionally grow and support my students as much as possible.
Why Education Matters to Me
Every day, anywhere someone learns something new. Education is precious and should be something available to everyone across the world. There are multiple reasons why education is important, mainly it helps people build careers but it can also teach someone how to play an instrument, mental health, new language, and so on. Knowledge is a strength and helping build education in a direction where it strengthens everyone is what makes it important.Biography
Hi, my name is Angie Zavaleta. I am 18 years old, born and raised in Gaithersburg, Maryland (and Washington D.C. for two years). This past June, I graduated from Gaithersburg high school and will be attending Montgomery college this coming fall majoring in education.