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GDPR Interim Statement

European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR goes into effect May 25, 2018. The GDPR was written to expand personal privacy rights for European Union (EU) residents. The rule:

  • Applies to all organizations that possess personal data provided by people while they are residing, permanently or temporarily, in the EU.
  • Defines data broadly: any data that can be used to identify an individual such as genetic, mental, cultural, economic, technological or social information.
  • Requires valid consent to collect personal data: consent must be informed, unambiguous, freely given.

Montgomery College GDPR Program

Montgomery College has formed a working group to develop a GDPR compliance program to determine the extent of necessary compliance to a Maryland Community College, if any.  The group includes representatives from the Office of Compliance, Risk and Ethics, Office of General Counsel, Office of Advancement & Community Engagement, Office of Records and Registration, Office of Information Technology, and other relevant units. The group has:

  • Considered potential GDPR requirements that may apply to the College.
  • Reviewed potential EU residents and how to secure consent to implement the student experience they are seeking at Montgomery College and meet data privacy requests that may arise.

If you have any complaints regarding our privacy practices, you have the right to make a complaint with your national data protection authority (i.e., supervisory authority).

If you wish to contact us in connection with the exercise of your rights listed above, please email us at  We will respond to your written request without unreasonable delay and in accordance with any deadlines imposed by law. Unless we notify you at the time of your request, we will not charge you any fee in connection with the exercise of your rights.

More Information

For general information, review the European Commission’s EU Data Protectionnew window website.

If you are an EU resident or if you are emailing from the EU in regards to GDPR, email privacy@montgomerycollege.eduPlease mention GDPR in your email request. 

May 25, 2018