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Implementing the Plan

Lab with a professor and three students

Upon the Board of Trustees’ adoption, the refreshed strategic plan is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028. The Goals of this refreshed plan will serve as the Annual Institutional Priorities with specific Supporting Strategies selected for attention each year. These strategies will be the annual goals of senior leaders whose team members’ annual goals will align to promote progress and completion of the plan’s Supporting Strategies. Intended Outcomes will be tracked regularly, and the progress will be reported annually via Indicators. The Indicators are intended to serve as broad metrics by which we can measure progress toward the goal, not as an assessment of a particular strategy. Further evidence with disaggregated data will be provided in other institutional plans or during the assessment cycle. With this focus and systematic approach, the College will make progress toward its Transformational Aspirations.

In addition, other institutional plans at the College will be reviewed to align with the refreshed strategic plan. The strategic plan will be a living and dynamic roadmap, fortified by consistent review and needed changes. The implementation of this plan will be assessed periodically through formative and summative means that will allow us to analyze the Supporting Strategies, Intended Outcomes, and Indicators and make changes to these (prior to the end of the plan), if needed. A review of strategic plan progress and assessments will be reported to the Board of Trustees periodically.

As the College launches this refreshed strategic plan, we are refreshing our commitment to students and the community. Montgomery College will refresh its infrastructure, modernize technologies, and facilitate seamless pathways for students to accomplish their goals. Montgomery College is committed to remaining agile and innovative, creating an environment where students, faculty, and staff can thrive and positively affect and transform their communities and society.


Every strategic plan has a vocabulary that reflects its design. The refreshed strategic plan uses terms with these definitions in mind:

  • Strategic Plan: a roadmap to reach goals
  • Students: all students, both credit and noncredit
  • Goal: desired result
  • Supporting Strategy: a plan of action
  • Intended Outcome: consequence
  • Indicator: standard unit used to express the size, amount, or degree of achieving an outcome

Put together, Goals will be actualized by Supporting Strategies that lead to Intended Outcomes, which are tracked by Indicators.

A central term—and indeed the focus—of the plan is the word, students. In this plan, “students” means all students. This plan seeks to achieve the same level of institutional attention for credit and noncredit students.