Police Cadet Programs

Police cadet programs are similar to paid internships. As a Montgomery College student, you can apply to and become an employee of a specific law enforcement agency. Once hired, you would work a set number of hours each week with the agency (usually between 20-40 hours per week). The law enforcement agency will work with you to make sure that the assigned hours of work do not conflict with the hours that you need to be in class.
As a police cadet, you would be assigned to non-law enforcement duties that help support the overall mission of the police department. The specific duties depend on which law enforcement agency you decide to work for during your time as a student. Depending on the department, you may also be entitled to certain additional benefits (paid sick time, tuition reimbursement, having your time as a police cadet credited towards your years of service towards retirement - if you decide to transition to a police officer position, etc.).
Police cadet programs are a great way to learn more about career pathways in the criminal justice system. The programs serve as a great resume builder and may lead to some strong letters of recommendation (if you perform your duties as a police cadet in a professional manner). If you would like to learn more about some of the local police cadet programs, please contact Professor Sean Fay at: sean.fay@montgomerycollege.edu .