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Mentoring Information for Faculty and Staff

The Montgomery College Mentoring Network is a collegewide initiative aimed at providing additional support to aid in the retention and persistence of MC students. The Network will streamline, document and recognize mentoring “pockets” that exist at MC. The Network will also serve as a formal way for all MC employees, regardless of areas of responsibility, to engage in promoting student success. Mentoring works because it helps students to develop a sense of community, aids in understanding the campus culture and allows faculty/staff to share in student development.

Research documents mentoring as a proven best practice in higher education. Moreover, several mentoring initiatives at Montgomery College have documented student success. Some of these successful models include the MHEC Persistence Grant (2015), Men Empowering Network (M.E.N) and Sister 2 Sister programs. The mentoring network will respond to the Achieving the Promise, formerly known as Close the Achievement Gap (CTAG), Collegewide Enrollment Management Advisory Team (CEMAT), and Achieving the Dream (ATD) recommendations and priorities to scale up mentoring efforts and engage faculty and staff in increasing retention, persistence, and completion. The network will further expand capacity to impact more students by increasing opportunities for faculty and staff to mentor and allow students to have an opportunity to choose a mentoring experience, whether through a cohort model or one-on-one. The network will serve as a repository and allow the College to isolate mentoring efforts to assess the impact on student success.

For more details, review the mentoring network initiative via the Student Affairs Master Plan (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window) .

Mentoring Advisory Team

The Montgomery College Mentoring Network is guided, in part, by the Mentor Advisory Team (MAT).

MAT is comprised of faculty, staff, and students, who upon review of the MC 2020 Strategic Plan, the Student Affairs Master Plan (StAMP), and recommendations from the College Enrollment Management Advisory Team (CEMAT), develop strategies to increase student persistence and retention, create best practices relative to mentoring Montgomery College students, and develop methods to collect data relative to mentoring and student success at Montgomery College.

Any recommendations or action items from MAT is reviewed and approved by Dr. Monica Brown, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs or her designee before being implemented in the MC Mentoring Network.

Role of the Mentoring Advisory Team
  • Develop reporting tool
  • Create best practices and strategies
  • Review MC Mentoring Network webpage for accuracy and ease of use
  • Develop a data tool to track student participants
  • Educate college community about the Network & engage students and employees to participate
  • Advisory group is guided by Director of Student Affairs and Initiatives and Collegewide Dean of Student Engagement/Student Affairs