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Academic Master Plan 2016-2021

Institutional Learning Outcomes for Students

MONTGOMERY COLLEGE STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE excellence in learning and achieve personal,
career, and academic goals because they are able to:
A. Think: Solve problems by inquiring, interpreting, evaluating, and applying knowledge and skills

  • identify, evaluate, and use data and resources to make decisions
  • seek new knowledge, understanding, and skills
  • organize, structure, and synthesize knowledge

B. Communicate: Pursue common understanding through effective exchange and expression of ideas

  • listen, write, and speak effectively
  • appreciate multiple perspectives, experiences, and cultures.

C. Create: Apply curiosity, creativity, and flexible thinking to develop new ideas

  • take intellectual and artistic risks
  • consider alternate explanations, differing beliefs, and multiple perspectives

D. Engage: Collaborate effectively to discover and achieve common objectives

  • develop an understanding of beliefs that challenge one’s own
  • manage conflict productively
  • recognize responsible behaviors in local, global, and digital communities

E. Connect: Integrate learning across courses, over time, and between campus and community to recognize
interdependence and inter-connectedness; formulate an understanding of global interdependency

  • identify patterns, connections, and linkages across disciplines
  • transfer and adapt skills, knowledge, or methodologies

F. Grow: Develop knowledge and skills to be resilient, self-confident, and independent
life-long learners

  • develop personal, academic, and career goals and plans
  • prioritize resources and strategies for continuous learning
  • practice self-reflection and self-assessment

G. Achieve: Apply the experience, knowledge, and skills attained at Montgomery College
to complete personal, educational, and professional goals

  • demonstrate knowledge of career and discipline-specific content and methods
  • pursue career, academic, and personal success