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An IRB has to meet certain specifications.

  • At a minimum, an IRB must have:
    • At least 5 members
    • One member whose primary concerns are in science areas, and one whose primary concerns are non-scientific areas
    • One member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution
  • IRB members are required to receive annual training.
  • IRBs must register annually with the Department of HHS.


The MC IRB consists of 5-9 members. The IRB Chair is, ex-officio, the Director of the Office of Institutional Research & Analysis, and the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs is, ex-officio, the IRB Certifying Official, as designated by the College President.

We attempt to populate the other positions with individuals who possess some basic knowledge or familiarity with ethical principles and elements of research design. Additionally, we try to have representation from faculty and staff across the College. These members serve staggered three-year terms and are appointed by the College Council.