ITI 413 - Java Script & J Query
Registration Option: Open Enrollment
Total Course Hours: 24
Materials: You must purchase Textbook(s)/ materials and bring them to the first class
JavaScript is the high-level, interpreted programming language used to make webpages interactive. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web.JavaScript enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential part of web applications. All websites use it, and all major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute it. As a multi-paradigm language, you will learn how JavaScript supports event- driven, functional, and imperative (including object- oriented and prototype-based) programming styles. It has an API for working with text, arrays, dates, regular expressions, and basic manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM). The Dreamweaver Integrated Development Environment (IDE) will be used to design and develop a website using JavaScript. JQuery, is the industry standard JavaScript library used to add interesting, interactive features to your web site. Topics will include jQuery set-up, installation, and use; using jQuery action/reaction events; and show/hide. Learn to quickly add animations and effects, image slide shows, photo galleries, and rollovers. Add a jQuery navigation bar. Enhance and validate forms and learn other jQuery web features.
HTML5 and CSS3 or equivalent experience.
- Design and develop websites using JavaScript.
- Install and use jQuery.
- Add animations and effects, image slide shows, photo galleries and rollovers to websites.