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Campus and Event Accessibility

Maps, Directions and Parking

Montgomery College provides multiple formats of directions and maps including printable PDFs and links to Google maps.

Germantown Rockville Takoma Park / Silver Spring Other Locations


Event Planning

When programming an event, consider the following strategies for planning a more accessible program or event.


How to Make Your Presentations Accessible for organizers and speakers. Make your presentations, meetings, training, and events accessible for your participants including persons with disabilities. 

Ensure that all events are accessible by including information about how to request an accommodation in flyers, advertisements, registration, and other distributed materials prior to the event

Include an Accommodation Request Statement

Please contact us if assistance is needed in creating an accommodation request statement by emailing us at

Include the following information when creating your events accommodation request statement.

Who: Person or office
How: Phone, fax, email, or online form
When: Advance notice the request should be made e.g. at least two weeks in advance of the event

Example: To request a reasonable accommodation, please contact Jamie Doe by email at or by phone at 555-555-5555. Requests should be made by at least two weeks in advance of the event.

Have an accommodations point of contact

Identify the event coordinator point of contact that is responsible for coordinating accommodations with appropriate Campus stakeholders.

Display the international Symbol of accessibility to identify accessible facilities. Including reserved accessible parking spaces, passenger loading zones, entrances when all entrances are not accessible, and toilet facilities.

Path of travel

Consider wheelchair accessible routes without barriers such as the availability of an elevator instead of steps. Ensure paths from accessible parking spaces to the event location is clear of barriers in all weather conditions.


Consider if the entrance is wheelchair accessible and if the primary entrance is not accessible, signage to communicate where the accessible entrance is located.


Make sure that Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are available

Consider wheelchair access

  • Wheelchair locations are interspersed such as the front middle and back of the room
  • Aisle distance at least 36” and at least 44” if goods and services are available
  • Cables are covered over isles and pathways that do not exceed ½” thick.
  • Table height for food is between 28”-34”

Wheelchair accessible seating guidelines

Up to 25 attendees = 1 wheelchair accessible seating location available
26-50 attendees = 2 wheelchair accessible seating location available
51-300 attendees = 4 wheelchair accessible seating location available
301-500 attendees = 6 wheelchair accessible seating location available
For every 100 additional attendees over 500 add one additional wheelchair accessible seating location