Linguistics is the objective study of language. MC offers an introductory linguistics course, LING 200, which fulfills the General Education requirement (HU distribution, multicultural requirement). The course is open to all students who have successfully completed EN101/101A and required of Communication majors (3 credits).
Linguistics is a broad field. Here are some language-related topics that we cover:
- Phonetics and Phonology: the sounds we use
- Morphology: the structure of words we use
- Syntax: the structure of sentences we use
- Semantics: the meaning of words and sentences
- Pragmatics: the way we talk in different situations
We don’t all have to speak the same, y’know.
Dialects can vary based on many factors, such as region, ethnic background, social class, profession, age, gender
Modern-day language variation is also based on technology, known as computer-mediated communication (CMC)
Languages change through time; studying this kind of change tells us which languages are related or not:
Are these languages related?
- English and Turkish?
- English and Hindi?
- Turkish and Mongolian?
- No (English is Indo-European; Turkish is in the Altaic family)
- Yes (Indo-European)
- Yes (Altaic family)
- How do children acquire their native language?
- Are children really better learners than adults?
- Are some languages easier than others?
- How do we understand what we hear and how do we produce words and sentences we say?
- How do we do it so fast?
- Why do we confuse:
- “The Russian women loved died”
- “Eye drops off shelf”
If any or all of these topics interest you, this course is a great way to earn 3 credits. See you in LING 200!
To learn more, you can watch a 10 minute introduction to linguistics videonew window.
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