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ITI 130 - Revit

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 30

Materials:  You must purchase Textbook(s)/ materials and bring them to the first class

If you do not see a class listed in our catalog, it is not available for registration at this time.


This is a hands-on introduction to building information modeling (BIM) software for architecture. Instruction will focus on how both graphic and non-graphic architectural information for a building is produced through the creation of a single project database represented in a 3D model. Learn user interface: ribbon; become proficient with templates, basic floor plan, and basics of the building model; explore, create, and modify 3D view; use dimensions and constraints; and develop the building model.


Windows or File Management Skills or equivalent experience. Familiarity with drafting techniques; knowledge of CAD is helpful.


  • Apply knowledge of Ribbon, Templates, Layer Wrapping.
  • Use Basic Floor Plan.
  • Apply Basic of the Building Model: Walls, Doors, Windows.
  • Using Dimension and Constraints.
  • Develop the Building Model."