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ITI 201 - Microsoft Word- Introduction

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 12

Materials:  You must purchase Textbook(s)/ materials and bring them to the first class

If you do not see a class listed in our catalog, it is not available for registration at this time.


Learn basic features of MS Word. Learn terminology, Word’s window component and Help system, and how to navigate documents. Learn to enter, edit, and format text, and save documents in various formats. Move and copy data, create/ modify tables, insert, modify graphics, proof and print documents. Students pursuing the Microsoft Office Specialist Certification must take MS Word Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced. Find out more information about Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) window


Computer Basics, and Working with Windows or File Management Skills or equivalent experience


  • Create, navigate, and save documents, and navigate a documents.  
  • Insert and delete text; create hyperlinks; use the undo, cut, copy, paste, find and replace.
  • Apply character formatting, use tabs, format paragraphs and adjust paragraph spacing.
  • Create tables, work with text in a table, and adjust a table’s structure.
  • Add headers and footers, set margins, change page orientation, set text flow options, and page breaks.
  • Insert graphics and clip art, move graphics, wrap text around graphics, and modify graphics.
  • Use spell check,  AutoCorrect, preview and print documents, create PDF and XPS documents.