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ITI 095 - Software Introductory Series

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 40

Materials:  You must purchase Textbook(s)/ materials and bring them to the first class

If you do not see a class listed in our catalog, it is not available for registration at this time.


Experience the new versions of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Discover how to use the 2016 improved features in mastering both basic and business applications in these popular application.  Find out how quickly you can create and edit attractive business letters, memorandums, and press releases using the new and improved Word 2016 interface. Apply and modify new PowerPoint templates and use powerful presentation graphics which will enable you to create dynamic multimedia presentations using built-in document themes and how to adjust slide size for wide-screen monitors. Build basic and enhanced Excel worksheets with ease using auto fill, autocomplete, and autocorrect entry features. Harness the power of Access, a relational database, by learning how to create, store, and retrieve records with amazing speed and accuracy. Learn the basics of creating tables and forms to enter and retrieve data using simple Form, Query and Report Wizards. All this and more are offered in the new and improved Software Series Course.  


Computer Basics, Windows and File Management Skills or equivalent experience. 


  • Use Windows  to customize the computer desktop, create shortcuts and folders.
  • Apply the new Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access user interface to prepare and revise documents.
  • Create and format well-written documents using Word.
  • Construct Excel worksheets by entering and formatting data.
  • Design professional looking slide presentations.