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ASCEND Parent Initiative Taskforce

FamilyU Seal - Student Parent Champion


Welcome to our virtual Family Resource Center for and about student-parents at Montgomery College. Student-parents are a vibrant part of our MC community. With the launch of the Ascend Parent Initiative (API) in October 2020 and the College’s acceptance into the Inaugural Generation Hope FamilyU Cohort in August 2021, Montgomery College reaffirmed its commitment to student-parents and the transformation of the College into a family-friendly institution.  

Montgomery College’s focus on parents began in 2017 when the Single Parent Conference was launched. The conference has since become an anticipated annual event that connects parents with various resources at MC, Montgomery County, and the state of Maryland. The annual conference served as the catalyst for the College’s sustained efforts to improve outcomes for student-parents at MC. As a result, the API taskforce was implemented and builds upon the College’s recognition of the contributions and value of student-parents on our campuses.  

The College strives to systematically identify student-parents at MC, center and amplify their voices, and ensure that student-parents can easily connect with each other and resources to increase their enrollment, retention and graduation rates. Moreover, the College is committed to a two-generation approach to policies and practices that create opportunities for addressing the needs of both student-parents and their children in a family-friendly environment.  

As the Director of Student Affairs, co-steward of the Ascend Parent Initiative and Generation Hope FamilyU Cohort, and a former student-parent at MC, it is my privilege to welcome you to our virtual Family Resource Center. 

Through its ASCEND Parent Initiative Taskforce,  Montgomery College will be a national leader in confirming parenting status and assessing barriers to completion, creating a family-friendly campus, providing financial supports responsive to parents, and creating networks for parents to eliminate social stigma. 

Dr. Ja’Bette Lozupone
Director of Student Affairs, API Co-Chair

Ms. Beverly Coleman
Director of Educational Opportunity Center, API Co-Chair


  • Systematically identify parenting students to collect demographic, academic, family, and housing data about this student population.
  • Amplify and center parenting student voices.
  • Provide a central repository of resources and engagement strategies specific to parenting students. 


MC Student-Parent Featured in Scripps News Documentary
Anna Kovaleva was featured by Scripps News in their documentary titled, "Student/Parent" showcasing a day in the life of four student parents. Read the news story here where you can also link to the full videonew window.

Upcoming Events

The Resource Fair educates and connects individuals who care for children of all ages with the resources they need to be successful parents—and help them thrive in Montgomery County. More information.

Dates for the student-parent pop-ups on each campus:

  • Germantown: September 24
  • Rockville: October1
  • Takoma Park/Silver Spring: October 8

More Information (PDF, Get Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader - Link opens in new window)

*Currently enrolled MC students with children can pick up FREE baby supplies, hygiene items, food, and more!

Past Events

If you missed any of our past events, view them here:

The Journey I Took: Being a Student-Parent at MC Highlights
The Journey I Took: Being a Student-Parent at MC
MC Student-Parent Data with Dr. Melissa Gregory, Associate Senior Vice President of Student Affairs
Student-Parent Najah Mills Journey to MC
Student-Parent Rocelyn Alvarado’s Journey to MC
Student-Parent Zachary Mindheim’s Journey to MC

Featured Videos

Student-Parents share the experience with MC President Dr. Jermaine F. Williams


The MC-EOC program provides information, guidance/advising and application assistance for enrollment in post-secondary education.

Individualized services include:

  • Career Assessment and Counseling
  • Academic Advising and Guidance
  • Information on Entrance Exams
  • Individualized Learning Outcomes Plan
  • College Admissions Counseling
  • Financial Aid Counseling and Application Assistance
  • GED practice testing
  • Information Regarding Defaulted Student Loans and Assistance in Reinstating Financial Aid Eligibility

There are various ways students can connect with someone in the Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), including email, phone and remote appointments. Call or email EOC to confirm if you are eligible to receive services:  240-567-5644,

How to Get Involved 

ASCEND Parent Initiative (API) Members

  • Dr. Ja’Bette Lozupone, Director of Student Affairs
  • Ms. Beverly Coleman, Director of Educational Opportunity Center 
  • Dr. Melissa Gregory, Associate Senior Vice President of student Affairs
  • Ms. Camille Cauley, Recruitment and Access Manager
  • Mr. Fabian Drain, Counselor/Professor 
  • Mr. Marcus Peanort, Dean of Student Access and Germantown Students Affairs
  • Ms. Angela Rhoe, Director of Academic Alliances
  • Mr. John Hamman, Chief Analytics Officer
  • Ms. Yoslin Amaya-Hernandez, MC Student-Parent Alumna
  • Ms. Laverne Gordon, Associate Development Officer
  • Ms. Brandy Naughton, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs
  • Dr. Sonia Pruneda-Hernandez, Department Chair—Early Childhood Education
  • Mr. Steve Greenfield, Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education
  • Ms. Stephanie Krasnoff, Marketing Specialist
  • Ms. Raquelle Bremmer, MC Student-Parent
  • Ms. Ramica Allen, Administrative Aide—Facilities
  • Ms. Kristen Roe, Deputy Title IX and Youth Protection Coordinator
  • Mr. Brandon Wallace, Professor of Education and Education Coordinator
  • Ms. Lynette Weaver, Program Director—Center for Early Education
  • Ms. Shereika Chin, MC Student-Parent
  • Ms. Rocelyn Alvarado, MC Student-Parent 
  • Mr. Zachary Mindheim, MC Student-Parent 
  • Ms. Najah Mills, MC Student-Parent 
  • Dr. Ja’Bette Lozupone, Director of Student Affairs
  • Ms. Beverly Coleman, Director of Educational Opportunity Center
  • Dr. Melissa Gregory, Associate Senior Vice President of Student Affairs
  • Mr. John Hamman, Chief Analytics Officer
  • Mr. Marvin Mills, Vice President of Facilities

ASCEND in the News

Montgomery College Student-Parent Data

Videos: The Student-Parent Experience at MC