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ITI 172 - Cybersecurity-Websecurity I

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 15

Materials:  You must purchase Textbook(s)/ materials and bring them to the first class

If you do not see a class listed in our catalog, it is not available for registration at this time.


This is an introductory course in penetration testing. Learn to identify web applications with vulnerabilities and to exploit those vulnerabilities the same way that hackers do. Learn to use the tools used by hackers, penetration testers and security researchers to ascertain if your application is vulnerable to attack. Explore SQL injections, cross-site scripting, cross site request forgery and more. Learn to modify web requests, cookies and remote databases. This course is for web developers, programmers, site administrators and those interested in cybersecurity.


Basic understanding of how the web works and what cybersecurity is.


  • Identify and understand web application security fundamentals, threats and defensive measures.
  • Recognize how to harden web code and defend applications against attacks on form validation, user authentication, access control authorization, session management, passwords, and other threats.
  • Develop web application design, planning, coding, and other tactics and strategies to protect dynamic, user-input web sites from common and prevalent security threats.