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ITI 382 - Digital Forensics Hands-On

Registration Option: Open Enrollment

Total Course Hours: 18

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Digital Forensics Hands-On ITI382 (face to face) or ITI447 (remote learning)

Digital Forensics is a popular field with many opportunities for current and aspiring IT Professionals. In this advanced course on Digital Forensics, students will work on actual cases by investigating memory captures, network captures and system logs. The students will attempt to perform a complete forensic examination and ascertain what happened and what can be proved. This course is for students that are completing a digital forensics series or are already working in cybersecurity.


Digital Forensics - Introduction, or equivalent experience.


  • Describe the process of performing a forensic investigation

  •    Maintain the chain of custody

  •   Describe the tools and processes required to perform a forensic examination