Feeling at Home

Getting Around Montgomery County
- Ranked 14th best county in the United States (of more than 3,000)
- Safe, convenient, and diverse (find great food from your home country)
- County buses are free for Montgomery College students
- Many living choices of apartments and rooms in local homes
- Fly into one of three major airports:
- Washington-Dulles International Airport
- Washington-Ronald Reagan National Airport
- Baltimore-Washington International Airport
- Take the Metro (subway) into Washington, DC in just minutes
- Hop a bus to New York City for the weekend
- Get to the beach or mountains in just a few hours
Get to Know Our Campuses

Other locations include Workforce Development and Continuing Education Centers. Find out about more MC campuses and locations.
Visit our virtual tour.
We expect and encourage our new international students to attend an in-person new student orientation to meet other new students and learn about the campus. Some of the information at that orientation is also in the on-line new student orientation so students can review the information again if they need to.
In-person New Student Orientation (NSO) programs last about 3 hours. Participating in campus tours, interacting with our Orientation Leaders, and attending information sessions will answer your questions, connect you to campus resources, and prepare you for a smooth start to your college career. Learn more or register for the orientation programs.
Transportation and Parking
The MC Shuttle makes it easier for students, faculty, and staff to move between campuses. Our three conveniently located campuses are within easy reach of public transit systems, and we offer a shuttle that regularly runs between campuses on weekdays. MC students can take Montgomery County Ride On buses for free.
Montgomery College does NOT have on-campus housing facilities. Please be aware that housing costs in the Washington, DC area are high. We suggest you refrain from signing a contract with any landlord for housing before arriving and viewing the property. However, it is helpful to begin to think about your budget and research properties before you arrive.
We estimate Living Expenses to include the following:
- Room and Board are approximately $10,000/year (based on renting a room in a home and may be more to rent a full apartment)
- Transportation* is estimated at $2,600/year. Living near campus or near a metro station will make this amount smaller. If you need to purchase and maintain a car, it may be more.
- Medical Insurance is required and averages $800/year.
- Personal Expenses are estimated at $1,900/year.
Note that these estimates are for student budgets, and expenses may be higher depending where you decide to live.
For more information, you can visit the following websites:
- Just Like Homenew window
- Choice Hotelsnew window
- Marriott Hotelsnew window
- Apartmentguide.com new windowor Apartment.comnew window: search the city of your campus; Germantown, Rockville, Takoma Park, and Silver Spring areas.
This is for general information, but we do not require the use of and are not affiliated with this real estate office:
- How to Choose A Rental Propertynew window
- First-Time Renters Guidenew window
- Renter Rights & Responsibilities Guidenew window
All MC locations adjoin vibrant suburban and urban areas with a wide diversity of dining options for every style of cuisine. In addition, there are dining options on each campus:
- CafeMC
- Campus vending machines: Whether looking for a snack, beverage, copy, or change for a dollar, we've got you covered.
Healthcare Info & Resources
Medical/Health insurance is necessary in the United States. There is no ‘universal’ healthcare system and the cost of care is extremely expensive. The estimated cost for health insurance is included on your I-20. By signing sponsorship documents or the I-20 you promise to have medical insurance coverage for the student. Find out more about US health insurance.
Organizations, Clubs, and Sports
Not only are clubs and athletic teams a great way to make friends, but also they are important for admission to your next degree program and for your professional resume. Find out more about Student Life.
You can participate in clubs, groups, student government and professional organizations, newspapers and literary magazines, radio stations, and performing arts groups. These groups provide leadership and volunteer opportunities—and they look great on a resume. Here are some examples of our 100-plus clubs:
- African Student Association
- Best Buddies Citizens
- Business Leaders Club
- Engineers Without Borders
- Debate Club
- Free2B (Gay/Straight Alliance)
- Gaming Club
- International Studies
- Latino Student Union
- Organization of Arab Culture
- Student Construction Association
- Student Senate/Student Government
- Women in Science Engineering and Technology
- Find out more about organizations and clubs at MC!

MC offers nine intercollegiate sports—four for men (baseball, basketball, soccer, and track and field), and five for women (basketball, soccer, softball, track and field, and volleyball), as well as cheerleading and co-recreational sports. Find out more about MC Athletics.